As of 2024, cannabis has become increasingly recognized as a valuable tool in treating a variety of medical conditions. With ongoing research and evolving understanding of the plant’s potential benefits, the list of conditions for which cannabis is being used continues to grow. Here are 20 medical conditions that cannabis is now being used to […]
“Pretty Stoned” is a hilarious and entertaining TV series that airs on MTV. The show follows the lives of a group of friends who navigate through their daily life while also enjoying the many benefits of cannabis. From funny mishaps to heartfelt moments, “Pretty Stoned” offers a refreshing and humorous take on stoner culture. The […]
Every year on the 20th of April, cannabis enthusiasts around the world come together to celebrate the event known as “Four Twenty.” This unofficial holiday originated in the United States and has since spread to different countries, each with its unique way of commemorating the day. In America, the birthplace of Four Twenty, celebrations can […]
Taking a tolerance break from cannabis can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Whether you’re looking to reset your tolerance levels, save money, or simply take a break from the substance, there are many benefits to giving your body a break from cannabis use. Here are ten ways to help you along your journey of […]
The past few years has seen more and more countries legalising cannabis use in some shape or form, be it for medicinal use, recreational use or both. With the 1st April 2024 being the day that marked Germany legalising the possession of up to 25 grams of cannabis and the growing of up to three […]
Germany recently made some significant changes to its drug laws, as of April 1st, cannabis possession of up to 25 grams and the growing of three plants at home for personal use has been made legal. This move has sparked celebrations all over the country, with many supporters of cannabis legalization rejoicing at this historic […]